Opening hours: Daily throughout the year from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Kinneff Old Kirk, Kinneff,

Kincardineshire, DD10 0TJ

Tales of Local Heritage

Tales of Local Heritage

As part of the appeal for the restoration of the south facing windows in 2012 a CD was produced containing previously recorded items relating to the Old Church and the surrounding area. These included:

The Crown Jewels of Kinneff
Written by Dave Ramsay a Trustee of the Old Church and sung by pupils of Kinneff School, this song tells the story of the removal from Dunnottar castle and concealment in the Church of the Scottish Crown Jewels in 1652. The Narrator at the end of the song is Rev. Kenneth Petrie, chairman of the Kinneff Old Church Preservation Trust.
Click here for text and sound track.

The Old Kirkyard at Kinneff
This poem was written by Dave Ramsay and performed as part of the Homecoming Celebration Concert held in the church in July 2009.
Click here for text and sound track.

Lady Kathryn of Whistleberry Castle
Written by Dave Ramsay and read by Ray Milne, this poem tells the tragic story of Lady Kathryn. Whistleberry castle is situated on the cliff tops about 400 metres from the Old Church. Ray’s father was born at Shieldhill which is the fishing village at the top of the cliffs due south of the Old Church. She is involved in the Lost Villages project which is detailed elsewhere on this web site.
Click here for text and sound track.

The Ghost of the Northern Belle
Written by Dave Ramsay and read by Tony Peters, Secretary of the Kinneff Old Church Preservation Trust, this poem tells of the mysterious shipwreck of the SS Northern Belle in 1891 just off the rocks at Whistleberry next to the Old Church.
Click here for text and sound track.